After the U.S. Supreme Court mandated that states allow same-sex marriage, the natural extension was that this mandate also applied to same-sex divorce. Of course, in practice, just because the Supreme Court states something is so does not mean that states immediately...
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Year: 2022
As a small business owner facing divorce, what issues do I face?
A small business owner in Oakland County who is facing divorce or separation might be very worried about the future of their organization. In addition to the financial fallout, if the business has been in the person’s family for a long time, there may be some concerns...
What can I do if I am not receiving my alimony?
Alimony is an important factor in many Detroit-area divorces. Once your divorce is finalized, and you have an order for alimony, you are likely to feel very relieved, happy that the process is over, and ready to move on with your life. You count on your alimony...
How an appraiser can help high-asset divorcing couples divide their property
Dividing assets can be one of the most difficult issues in any Michigan divorce, but it can become especially contentious if the couple owns very valuable assets. If some of the assets have been owned by one spouse or the other for a very long time, the value of the...
Child support establishment in Michigan
In a Michigan family law case, child support is critically important. Many people, however, are not fully aware of what it is meant to cover. Naturally, it should provide them with a safe place to live, adequate food, school supplies, clothes and other fundamentals....
What can daters do to avoid divorce later?
It may seem odd to be thinking about divorce now when you are still dating. However, the best time to think about divorce is actually before the honeymoon phase begins. It starts with the very first date. What can I learn on the first date? Many people think that the...
Trying to find the right child custody arrangement
Trying to find the right child custody arrangement as part of a divorce case or even among parents who were never married can oftentimes be the most difficult part of family law cases in Michigan. For starters, every parent wants what is best for their children. The...
Understanding common missteps men make that complicate a divorce
For Michigan couples who have decided to pursue a divorce, there could be an unavoidable series of challenges they must overcome. In some cases, the parties are relatively amicable and can discuss their issues in an evenhanded way. In others, it is layered with...
Types of alimony available in Michigan
Newly married couples often have to decide whether one or both spouses will financially contribute to the family by working outside of the home. While nowadays more and more people are choosing a dual-income marital lifestyle, there are also many families that rely...
What are some ways to ensure an amicable divorce?
If one’s entire viewpoint of divorce was shaped by TV and movies, the idea of divorce is likely scary. After all, those mediums paint a picture of chaos and strife with spouses fighting to the bitter end for everything, regardless of the detriment on the children or...