Property division is a major part of most Michigan divorces, but sometimes people forget that dividing debt is also part of property division. Michigan law states that marital property is divided equitably, or fairly, between both spouses. The same goes for marital...
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Property Division
Can prenups help property division or save a marriage?
Pre- and post-nuptial agreements have never been sexy. Indeed, a lot of reality television revolves around one party wanting one, and the other party hating the idea. Somehow, these legal documents have become a taboo topic. But, it should not because a bit of...
How will you solve the property division issue in your case?
Any single issue can become a hang-up in divorce cases in Michigan, from child custody and support to alimony and property division. However, for many people, the property division issue is crucial. There is a recognition that the manner in which the property division...
Beware of hidden assets during property division
If you’re going through divorce, then one of your concerns is probably how you’re going to get by financially once your marriage is dissolved. This is an understandable worry. After all, many Michigan residents who get divorced find themselves going from two salaries...
When is non-marital property divided in a divorce?
People in Michigan acquire property at various stages of their lives. They may also start bank accounts, retirement accounts or investment accounts at a young age and continue growing them throughout their lives. For the most part it does not matter when people...
Property division is made more difficult with cryptocurrency
In a Michigan divorce, property division often arises as a topic for dispute. In the past, that has meant people were deciding how to split financial accounts, real estate, automobiles, collectibles, a business and more. While these are still part of a great many...
Dividing a family business in divorce
In every Michigan divorce, the spouses must disclose all their assets and debts, determine what is marital property and what is separate property, and then divide the marital property according to state law. Generally speaking, the more complex the marital property,...
Know your options for the family home in your divorce
There’s a lot at stake in a divorce. For many people, the financial ramifications of marriage dissolution are the most concerning. That’s because your marital assets will be divided equitably, which means that assets will be divided fairly, not equally. You can retain...