Divorce can be a challenging experience for anyone. But when your separation involves high-dollar assets, the situation can become even more complex and intense. The consequences of mistakes in a high-asset divorce can be severe, resulting in significant financial...
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Firm News
Lump-sum versus periodic spousal support in Michigan
Not all spouses are on equal footing financially following a divorce. It is often the case that one spouse earns more than the other. If these financial disparities would cause the lesser-earning spouse to suffer financial hardship, or otherwise lead to an unequal...
How do ex parte orders differ from temporary orders in a divorce?
Divorce in Michigan is full of complex legal proceedings. You may have heard of ex parte orders and temporary orders. At first glance, these orders may seem very similar. But, while ex parte orders and temporary orders have some similarities, the purpose of these...
Navigating Family Court During COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, the courts in general have implemented emergency procedures to reduce the risk of transmission and to enable essential operations to remain open. As a result, each...
Custody And Parenting Time Orders During COVID-19
On April 24, 2020, Governor Whitmer extended the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, and she may do so again. Without a clear end in sight and without knowing how the new normal will look, questions continue to arise regarding custody and parenting time. One of...
Collaborative Divorce – now is the right time to consider this option!
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, Michigan courtrooms have suspended non-emergency in-person operations. While all of us attempt to navigate our new normal and manage our daily lives remotely, couples...
Limited Scope Representation
Limited Scope Representation (LSR), also called “Unbundling”, is when an attorney and a client agree that the attorney will assist the client with only a specific portion of their legal matter rather than providing the client with full representation. Put another way,...
Can I Get A Legal Separation In Michigan?
While there is no such thing as a “legal separation” in Michigan, couples seeking to legally separate yet remain married can do so by filing an Action for Separate Maintenance. An Action for Separate Maintenance is a legally recognized proceeding under Michigan law...
Divorce And Custody Issues – Do You Really Need A Lawyer?
Very often, a potential client will call and ask if he or she really needs to hire an attorney, especially if his or her spouse has already hired one. This question takes a number of forms, depicted below. Uncontested Divorce In an uncontested divorce, you and your...
Guardianship Of A Minor
A minor most often becomes subject to a guardianship when his or her parents are unable to provide care because of death, incapacity, substance abuse issues, or some other reason. There are generally three types of guardianships: Full Guardianship, Limited...