The saying "time is money” often holds true in the context of marriage and alimony. The length of your marriage can significantly influence your alimony settlement. Grasping this link is essential for anyone going through a divorce. Financial interdependence between...
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Can I (or should I) move out of the house during a divorce?
Deciding whether to move out of the house during a divorce can be challenging. This choice can significantly affect your divorce proceedings in Michigan, particularly regarding child custody and property division. Considerations before moving out Before you decide to...
What you need to know about temporary relief in Bloomfield Hills divorces
Things can get complicated quickly when you go through a divorce. One valuable tool in the process is a Motion for Temporary Relief. This legal request helps manage urgent issues while your divorce is ongoing. What is temporary relief? Temporary relief is a court...
Why you should not hide assets during divorce
Going through a divorce can be an emotionally and financially challenging experience. Because of how expensive it might get, you might feel tempted to protect your assets by hiding them from your spouse. However, this approach may come with severe consequences and...
Will the family business I inherited be affected by my divorce?
Family businesses are often the backbone of local commerce and generational assets. These enterprises passed down through the years, carry not just financial value but also sentimental worth. But what happens when divorce disrupts the family dynamics that once...
Seeking alimony in your divorce
Finances are a major part of our lives. And for many divorcing couples, it is central to the contentions complicating the dissolution process. For most couples, sharing finances is commonplace, making it difficult to go from a two-income household to a single-income...
Study: Many women happier after a divorce
Most of our readers in Michigan probably know that if you’re going to go through a divorce, you will likely experience a range of emotions. Yes, there are some divorces that are amiable enough, but others involve divorcing spouses who feel resentment, bitterness and...
The financial impact of gray divorce
Our readers in Michigan probably know that if they are facing a divorce they could be in for a difficult, emotional process. Sure, there are some divorces that are amicable and can be settled relatively easily – but that is likely the exception, not the rule. For most...
What should I do if I am served divorce papers?
Many people may be served divorce papers around this time of year since January is a month known for its high number of divorce filings. Receiving divorce papers can be devastating, leaving you feeling shocked, confused and scared of what comes next. Even if you and...
Is my soon-to-be ex-spouse entitled to my retirement account?
If you find yourself in the midst of a later-in-life divorce in Michigan, the fate of your retirement accounts is a concern. After all, you spent your entire life building this nest egg to live on when you retire, and the idea that these funds could disappear...